Robotic Thyroidectomy

What is a robotic thyroidectomy?

Robotic thyroidectomy, also known as robotic thyroid surgery, is a minimally invasive procedure that involves removing a part of or the entire thyroid gland with the help of a robot-assisted surgical system.

How it works

Unlike conventional open surgery which needs a larger cut in the neck to reach the thyroid gland, this robotic procedure only involves making either a larger cut or a few keyhole cuts in the armpit instead.

The robot-assisted surgical system makes full use of the tight surgical space provided by a small cut by utilising its 4 articulated robotic arms and a high-performance vision system. This allows the surgeon to operate with accuracy and dexterity while aided by magnified images of the interior of the body.

Why do you need a robotic thyroidectomy?

Thyroidectomy is the recommended treatment for several thyroid conditions, such as:

  • Thyroid cancer and benign nodules
  • Goitres (swollen thyroid gland)
  • Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid)

Benefits of robotic assisted thyroidectomy

With a robotic thyroidectomy, there will be no scars on your neck.

Some studies also show:

  • Reduced chances of laryngeal (voicebox) nerve damage
  • Reduced risk of affected parathyroid gland (small hormone glands in your neck that control calcium levels in your bones and blood)

Who should not undergo robotic thyroidectomy?

Robotic thyroidectomy works best for patients who have:

  • Nodules up to 6cm
  • Cancers that are not widely invasive
  • Goitres that are not too large

Your surgeon would need to evaluate your thyroid before determining if you are a good candidate for robotic thyroidectomy.

What are the risks and complications of robotic thyroidectomy?

Any surgery carries with it the potential for complications. Because minimally invasive surgery uses smaller incisions, patients generally recover faster than with traditional surgery. However, there is still the risk of complications resulting from anaesthesia, bleeding and infection.

The risks of thyroidectomy, whether open or robotic, are:

  • Nerve injury causing hoarseness of voice
  • Temporary or permanent drop in blood calcium level

The specific risks of a robotic thyroidectomy include:

  • Gas trapped beneath the skin (temporary)
  • A lengthier surgery
  • Numbness of skin below collarbone
  • Arm or hand weakness due to positioning (temporary and rare)
  • Switching to open surgery due to unexpected difficulty (rare)
  • Device malfunction or failure

Why choose Gleneagles Hospital?

At Gleneagles Hospital, our team of ENT specialists are known in Singapore and the region for their expertise in treating a wide spectrum of otorhinolaryngological conditions.

Patients will undergo robotic thyroid surgery in a well-equipped clinical setting from specialists specially trained in computer-aided surgery using a robot-assisted surgical system.

Our specialists (otolaryngologists)

Our multidisciplinary team is adept in diverse subspecialties and able to provide an accurate diagnosis and appropriate course of treatment for you. From conventional open thyroidectomy approaches to more advanced robotic assisted surgeries, you can be assured of our utmost care.

Please check with your insurance provider for more information, and for their most up-to-date list of panel doctors.

^Specialists may qualify to be on the Extended Panel (EP). You may enjoy selected panel benefits depending on your policy and riders.
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