7 Delicious Snacks Our Dietitians Love to Eat

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7 Delicious Snacks Our Dietitians Love to Eat

Cập nhật lần cuối: 03 Tháng Tám 2018 | 3 phút - Thời gian đọc
Yap Wei Ming Louis

Dietitian, Service Clinic

Here're 7 of our dietitians' favourite go-to snacks and why!

Curious about what dietitians eat to curb a craving or to get an energy boost? We ask 7 accredited dietitians from Parkway Hospitals to share their favourite treats!

1. Fruits

Dietitian snacks fruits

"I've loved fruits from a young age, even before learning they're relatively low in calories as compared to other snacks. This may be the reason why I still stay in shape despite binge-eating fruits sometimes. Very often, people comment on my good skin complexion. I think this is largely attributed to the high antioxidants intake from fruits. I usually eat fresh fruits whole, but I also enjoy an occasional cup of pineapple or avocado juice."

Wong Hui Xin, former senior dietitian at Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital

2. Smoothies

Dietitian snacks smoothie

"Serve me a glass of smoothie, anytime. It's so easy to make. Just throw into the blender ice, yoghurt, milk, fruits, and for some gym-goers, protein powder. It's revitalising and packed with plenty of nutrients including calcium, vitamins and probiotics. To me, it's a much healthier alternative to cakes. Plus, we need the fluids to keep ourselves hydrated!"

Louis Yap, dietitian at Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital

3. Yoghurt with fresh fruit

Dietitian snacks yoghurt and fruits

"This is a refreshing food and you'll never get bored with the variety of fruits you can add to plain yoghurt. It's filled with goodness as it's packed with calcium, protein, probiotics, fibre and vitamins. It also helps to keep my bones strong, my gut healthy, and boosts my immune system. I can eat is as either a snack or dessert. Yummy!”

Alefia A Vasanwala, principal dietitian at Mount Elizabeth Hospital

4. Nyonya kueh

Dietitian snacks nyonya kueh

"I usually go for steamed tapioca pearls (sago) cake, ondeh-ondeh or glutinous rice stuffed with dried shrimp sambal. These are generally high in sugar and saturated fat as the ingredients include coconut milk, coconut flesh or dried prawn sambal. The good thing is, they're sold in small slices, so this helps me to curb my portion intake. I will have it some weekends when I need an energy boost before a workout."

Seow Vi Vien, former dietitian at Mount Elizabeth Hospital

5. Chocolate

Dietitian snacks dark chocolate

"I can't live without chocolate, especially dark chocolate! With its high cocoa content, dark chocolate is a rich source of antioxidants, particularly flavonoids. However, it's also high in calories which can contribute to weight gain if eaten in excess. So, moderation is the key. One way to enjoy chocolate is to mix a tablespoon of cocoa powder with oatmeal, and serve with blueberries or sliced banana to make a bowl of delicious chocolatey oats!"

Lee Sze Mien, former dietitian at Mount Elizabeth Hospital

6. Frozen yoghurt

Dietitian snacks frozen yoghurt

"I enjoy having frozen yoghurt at night to wrap up my dinner. There is almost zero preparation needed, as I only need to leave the yoghurt in the freezer after doing my grocery shopping. It's also a healthier alternative to ice cream – it has less sugar and fat, and is a great calcium booster!"

Daphne Loh, former senior dietitian at Gleneagles Hospital

7. Nuts

Dietitian snacks nuts

"My mother loves eating nuts, so there's always a packet of these lying around the house. I tend to go for unsalted ones. Walnuts, cashews and almonds contain higher amounts of good fats (unsaturated), so they're at the top of my priority list whenever I need to munch on something! Nuts are also versatile snacks as you can pair them with different foods like oats, ice creams or shakes. Packing them into small containers as on-the-go snacks also helps with portion control.”

Apple Chan, former dietitian at Gleneagles Hospital

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